
revelations by John Reinhart for Suspect Press Spring Issue 18: I’m busy
writing a manifesto for the second coming and, Jesus Christ,it’s too dramatic –

America – Ginsberg Tribute

America – Ginsberg Tribute by ElizaBeth Whittington for Suspect Press Spring Issue 18: America, why can’t you sleep? Maybe you can call in a favor from the pharmaceutical companies. (I’m kidding, of course, you can’t pay those premiums)


Untitled poem by Damian Taggart for Suspect Press Spring Issue 18: In a rush To solidify our posture We built gas lamps and horseless carriages

Ex Beauty Queen’s Birthday Party

Ex Beauty Queen’s Birthday Party by Charly Fasano for Suspect Press Spring Issue 18: Everyone is waiting for the guest of honor. The birthday party at the senior center is turning into a round table argument about medications and sit and be fit exercises.

Pink Tag Discount Day

Pink Tag Discount Day by Charly Fasano for Suspect Press Issue 17: It’s pink tag discount day and mismatched socks are three for a dollar. The thrift store cashier is scanning me like she thinks I am a thief.

3 Poems

3 Poems by Meghan DePonceau for Suspect Press Issue 17: including Stuffed, I Woke Up on the Floor in Cleveland, and FU#3 (Back Again).


Albatross by RJ Walker for Suspect Press Issue 16. *For anybody else that has been bullied or abused and considered violence: OK, so Albatross is perched outside my window…